- Each lecture hall equipped with overhead projector, video projector, computer, screen and slide projector.
- Most lectures of staff member are delivered by using power point for proper illustration with animations, tables, figures, equations, structures, photos etc.
- Besides power point helps in theoretical and practical classes can also be taken by use of overhead projector, slide projector or glass board according to the nature of the teaching topic or course.
- The College takes limited number of students (60) in order to apply personalized teaching, which helps in better understanding of the subjects.
- Students are encouraged to develop the habit of self-learning.
- Students are judged for their understanding of the topic and deficiencies if any, then discussed and clarified by the teacher.
- Further for active self-learning programme, seminars are conducted on assigned topics. Students search the material on their own with help of textbooks, periodicals and Internet under the guidance of the teacher.
- Student presents the assigned topics to the class.
- The presentation by the student is moderated and assessed by the concerned teacher.
- A well-planned experiment or demonstration is always supplemented to lectures/discussion.
- Students show great enthusiasm and dedication in performing the experiments, analyzing the results and deriving meaningful conclusions.
- In some subjects additional support is provide to students on experiment through PC.
- Tutorials are held regularly which provides an opportunity to the students to have a free discussion with their teachers, which ultimately helps them in understanding the subject especially for weaker and shy students.
- Students carryout various research projects under the supervision of a supervisor and publish their research work in well reputed journals and conferences.
- Students are exposed to various industrial tours so as to familarise with the extensively developing pharmacy world.